This is a rough question! I LOVE weddings. Big, small, I love them all (thank you #drsuess ). I have been looking back over my own wedding recently. I can't believe I got to marry #themanofmyprayers a decade ago! I've been trying to recall the memories that seem the most vivid. You see, we had a BIG wedding. I mean.... I'm a #weddingphotographer. Each person that we invited was cherished by Brooks and I - and we had a long guest list. The busier the dance floor, the better! But to those #coronvirusbrides who might be mourning the idea of a #bigwedding, I would love to share some of my #weddingmemories and how some of the sweetest were some of the smallest.
All the love for our wedding photographer and friend #arsmagnastudio for capturing these images of my big day!
I asked my best friend to spend the night the day before the wedding. #mymom We laughed, cried, and talked all about what tomorrow would hold! We slept late and sipped coffee in bed. I cherished that night and those memories! Number of People: 1
I remember being swarmed, touched, and fawned over....but in the best kind of way. There were 11 of them ( like #oceanseleven, only prettier ). These were my girls, my #bridesmaids. They all aided in getting me ready to walk the aisle and I will never forget the feeling. Number of People: 11
No vintage car drove us off to the honeymoon. Nope- something even better! Two dear friends in their van! They had blankets and bubbly ready for the ride. In return, we put them up for a night at a special suite in #downtownfortworth. Number of People: 4
So do I believe #smallweddings are the #nextbigthing? I believe they can be and I would welcome it wholeheartedly! Some of the sweetest moments weren't in crowds at all! Well enough of my day. But before I go...I #savedthebestforlast.